Specialists in private medical treatment.


How Much Exercise Would It Take To Burn Off Your Christmas Dinner?

How much food do we really consume on Christmas Day? And what would we need to do to burn it off?

5 Tips for Runners to Help Avoid Injuries

Learn 5 tips to help you prevent injuries when running.

A Short History of Podiatry

Discover the history of Podiatry in this short blog post.

Frequently Asked Questions on Fitness, Strength and Training.

Ever wondered why you’re not loosing weight even though you’ve been going to the gym three times a week? Many of our clients do. So we’ve put together a Q & A blog on all things fitness, training and strength.

5 Tips for Cyclists to Help Prevent Injuries

Taking up cycling can be a great lifestyle choice both for your health and the environments. Here are 5 tips that will help you stay free from sporting injuries in cycling.

Which Style of Martial Arts is Most Likely to Lead to a Shoulder Injury?

This week's 'Ask a Sports Therapist' looks at 5 different martial arts and their likelihood of leading to a shoulder injury.

Our view on nutrition & keeping your body healthy

Nutrition is so important for keeping your body and mind healthy, here's our take on it.

What Advice Can You Give to Someone with a Hamstring Injury?

This 'Ask a Sports Therapist' question comes from Justin who has a weak hamstring after an injury doing squats. Our Sports Injury Therapist has some thoughts.

What is the Best Type of Exercise?

Discover why there is no such thing as the 'Best Exercise' and why you should focus on the 'Best Type of Exercise' instead.

How Often Should I Train for Strength?

In the first of our Ask a Sports Therapist series, Sports Injury & Rehabilitation specialist Connor McLean discusses how often you should train for strength, how to compare power in different people and why muscles get bigger. Submit your question on Facebook and see it answered on our blog.

Showing 51 to 60 of 62 (7 Pages)

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