Specialists in private medical treatment.

The new Ossur Unloader one X Knee brace

Unloading knee braces 

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We have always been a fan of the Unloader one from Ossur at the Buchanan Clinic but we are loving the new version the unloader one X is our favourite yet. 

Unloader knee braces are designed to provide pain relief from knee osteoarthritis and degenerative meniscal tears. 

We have had great success in reliving pain from these conditions with unloader braces and helping people get back to the activities they love.

Graham with the new Unloader one X

While they may not work for everyone in the right person that can be of enormous benefit.

We do like the new fastening system on the unloader one x and the few patients we have given them too have all got on really well with them.

The new fastening set up 

The washing bag is a great addition. 

If you would like more information on how unloading knee braces can help Ossur have a very helpful website full of useful information 

How Do I buy the an Ossur Unloader X?

If you have been advised to get an knee unloading knee brace or wish an assessment it is best to have an assessment with one of our Clinicians. Unfortunately, due to the adjustments required when fitting it is generally not a brace that can be ordered and fitted remotely. An assessment is required to check your suitability for an unloader brace and measure for the correct size. It is sometimes possible to order the brace in advance of you appointment if you feel confident in measuring your leg so that if suitable you can take the brace away on the day. If you are happy to do this please email us on [email protected] so we can take you details and arrange the brace to be delivered to the clinic prior to your appointment. 

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Contact Details

Email: [email protected]

Call: 0141 440 1999

Address: 603 Helen Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G51 3AR

Online Booking:  Buchanan Clinic Appointments


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